
We are excited to announce that we are now offering the new ColdFusion 2023 Enterprise edition on xByte’s hosting platform. We are thrilled to offer developers and users the ability to start leveraging the powerful new features bundled in this release. With all the great advancements in ColdFusion 2023, we are excited to start migrating and supporting users as they transition from previous versions of ColdFusion. 

Considering a migration to ColdFusion 2023 or just need ColdFusion hosting? 

At xByte Hosting, we are committed to empowering our customers with the latest and greatest that ColdFusion has to offer. Here’s how xByte can help: 

  • ColdFusion 2023 Hosting on our Cloud Infrastructure

    Our enterprise cloud infrastructure offers a robust and scalable environment for hosting ColdFusion applications. Built on the latest generation DELL hardware and advanced networking, our hosting solution guarantees optimal performance, high availability, and scalability to meet the evolving needs of our customers. We offer reliable ColdFusion hosting for applications of all sizes. Get started here.
  • 24/7/365 Expert ColdFusion Engineers

    We understand that technical support is mission-critical for a smooth transition and ongoing success. That’s why we have a team of dedicated ColdFusion engineers available round the clock. They are ready to assist our customers with any troubleshooting, optimization, or general queries, giving customers confidence in their hosting choice.
  • Expert ColdFusion Management and Tuning

    As you may already be aware, managing and tuning ColdFusion servers can be complex and time-consuming. Here at xByte Hosting, we take care of the server configuration, performance tuning, security, and routine maintenance, allowing our customers to focus on their business. Our ColdFusion expertise guarantees that ColdFusion performs optimally, and delivers unmatched reliability and efficiency. We have over 30 years of combined ColdFusion experience and understand what is required to achieve worry-free uptime and reliability.
  • A Zero Downtime Migration Experience

    For customers still using older ColdFusion versions (CF10, 11, and 2016), we urge you to consider migrating to ColdFusion 2023. Not only does this ensure security and compatibility, but it also unlocks the latest features and enhancements. We specialize in zero downtime migrations, minimizing any interruptions to your business operations. Trust us to facilitate a seamless and efficient transition to ColdFusion 2023 on our Cloud. If we encounter compatibility issues with your codebase or application between versions, we will help you isolate and resolve them. We’re here to ensure a successful transition.  

Come take advantage of ColdFusion 2023’s newest capabilities today and get started at xByte Hosting. We look forward to providing you the best in ColdFusion hosting.

For customers who want to talk more about ColdFusion and xByte’s hosting platform, I’m also excited to announce that xByte Hosting will be attending the ColdFusion Summit 2023 in Vegas this year and we are thrilled to be a platinum sponsor of this year’s event. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you are going to be there and we can set up a time for us to meet in person. We are looking forward to meeting with you all! If you need something sooner and want to talk today, don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us.