
Cloud Experts Unleashed – Episode 20

In this episode, Dakota and Ryan talk about what services they offer for public cloud customers and then discuss the specific needs of 4 companies hosting in the public cloud (Azure/AWS) and currently being managed by xByte Cloud.


Dakota Clum – xByte Cloud CTO

Ryan Brown – xByte Cloud CMO

Topics Discussed

  • What types of services does xByte Cloud offer for AWS/Azure
    • Convert to microservices
    • Update cloud servers
    • Cost controls
  • Fintech Company – Azure
    • Technical guidance
    • Platform available 24/7, Kubernetes, scale on demand
    • Core competence not infrastructure
    • Microservices, PowerBI, Azure AD, Azure specific tooling
  • SaaS Company – ColdFusion in AWS
    • Redundancy/uptime
    • RDS – MySQL, SQL Server
    • SQL scaling groups – replicate on demand
  • SaaS CRM – ColdFusion in AWS
    • RDS – special SQL (100x)
  • Large Retail – ColdFusion in AWS
    • Moving from OnPrem to AWS
    • Scalability – Geo-Redundancy

To learn more about having your public cloud fully managed visit https://www.xbytecloud.com